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viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

Marta Pascal denuncia en anglès l'actitud antidemocràtica de l'Estat negant el dret a decidir #Catalunya

Barcelona/ Mambí en A/ Catalan people, directly or through their political representatives, in recent years have repeatedly expressed their will to decide their political future:

1) On September 11, 2012, National Day of Catalonia, the streets of downtown Barcelona accommodated the largest demonstration in the history of Catalonia, led by the slogan "Catalonia, new state in Europe." On the same date two years later, the citizens demonstrated their ability to mobilize and to organize with the Catalan way, a human chain that ran across the country for over 400 km, and then with the construction of a "V" in 2014 that filled the two principal urban avenues of the capital of the region.

2) On November 25, 2012, elections were held in the Parliament of Catalonia, which resulted in an unequivocal mandate: the exercise of the right to decide the political future of Catalonia. This will of the Parliament of Catalonia was collected in the "Declaration of Sovereignty and the Right to Decide of the People of Catalonia", approved in January 2013, and was supported by more than two thirds of the members of Parliament. The statement was contested by the Spanish government in front of the Constitutional Court, which was partially canceled.

3) During the month of September 2014, 96% of the 947 municipalities in Catalonia approved, in plenary sessions, their support to Parliament and the Government of Catalonia to carry out the consultation on November 9, 2014.

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